Distant clusters of galaxies provide a powerful method to study the formation and evolution of galaxies and large scale structure of the Universe. However, the...
A composite H ii region luminosity function in Hα of unprecedented statistical weight
Context: .Statistical properties of H ii region populations in disk galaxies yield important clues to the physics of massive star formation. Aims: .We present a...
A mid-infrared study of H II regions in the Magellanic Clouds: N88 A and N160 A
Aims: To show the importance of high-spatial resolution observations of H II regions when compared with observations obtained with larger apertures such as ISO...
A new ionization correction scheme for He(+)/H(+) and the determination of the helium abundance in H II regions
A new ionization correction factor (ICF) scheme for He(+) is developed, based on the definition of the radiation softness parameter eta (Vilchez and Pagel, 1988...
A photometric study of the double ring structure of NGC 4736
Photometric results for the galaxy NGC 4736 are presented, including IR and visible profiles. After correction for the extinction within the galaxy based on...
A remarkable feature in the giant extragalactic H II region NGC 5471
The discovery of a very high velocity, low-intensity gas feature in the giant extragalactic H II region NGC 5471 is reported. A broad component in the emission...
A study of the neglected Galactic H ii region NGC 2579 and its companion ESO 370-9
Context: The Galactic H ii region NGC 2579 has stayed undeservedly unexplored due to identification problems which persisted until recently. Both NGC 2579 and...